Friday, January 18, 2013

Adolescent stress linked to severe adult mental illness, mouse study suggests

Jan. 17, 2013 ? Working with mice, Johns Hopkins researchers have established a link between elevated levels of a stress hormone in adolescence -- a critical time for brain development -- and genetic changes that, in young adulthood, cause severe mental illness in those predisposed to it.

The findings, reported in the journal Science, could have wide-reaching implications in both the prevention and treatment of schizophrenia, severe depression and other mental illnesses.

"We have discovered a mechanism for how environmental factors, such as stress hormones, can affect the brain's physiology and bring about mental illness," says study leader Akira Sawa, M.D., Ph.D., a professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine. "We've shown in mice that stress in adolescence can affect the expression of a gene that codes for a key neurotransmitter related to mental function and psychiatric illness. While many genes are believed to be involved in the development of mental illness, my gut feeling is environmental factors are critically important to the process."

Sawa, director of the Johns Hopkins Schizophrenia Center, and his team set out to simulate social isolation associated with the difficult years of adolescents in human teens. They found that isolating healthy mice from other mice for three weeks during the equivalent of rodent adolescence had no effect on their behavior. But, when mice known to have a genetic predisposition to characteristics of mental illness were similarly isolated, they exhibited behaviors associated with mental illness, such as hyperactivity. They also failed to swim when put in a pool, an indirect correlate of human depression. When the isolated mice with genetic risk factors for mental illness were returned to group housing with other mice, they continued to exhibit these abnormal behaviors, a finding that suggests the effects of isolation lasted into the equivalent of adulthood.

"Genetic risk factors in these experiments were necessary, but not sufficient, to cause behaviors associated with mental illness in mice," Sawa says. "Only the addition of the external stressor -- in this case, excess cortisol related to social isolation -- was enough to bring about dramatic behavior changes."

The investigators not only found that the "mentally ill" mice had elevated levels of cortisol, known as the stress hormone because it's secreted in higher levels during the body's fight-or-flight response. They also found that these mice had significantly lower levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine in a specific region of the brain involved in higher brain function, such as emotional control and cognition. Changes in dopamine in the brains of patients with schizophrenia, depression and mood disorders have been suggested in clinical studies, but the mechanism for the clinical impact remains elusive.

To determine whether cortisol levels were influencing dopamine levels in the brain and adult behavioral patterns in the abnormal mice, the investigators gave them a compound called RU486, known to block cells from receiving cortisol. (The drug is commonly known as the "abortion pill.") All symptoms subsided. RU486 has also been studied in a clinical trial of people with difficult-to-treat psychotic depression, showing some benefits. "The mice swam longer, they were less hyper and their dopamine levels normalized," Sawa says.

To shed light on how and why the mice got better, Sawa and his team studied the gene tyrosine hydroxylase (Th) and found an epigenetic change, essentially the addition of a methyl group to one of the gene's DNA letters, limiting the gene's ability to do its job, which is to create an enzyme that regulates dopamine levels. Without a fully functioning Th, dopamine levels are abnormally low.

Scientists have long studied gene mutations, permanent DNA changes that can tweak the normal function of a particular gene. But epigenetic alterations do not change the actual letters of the DNA sequence. Instead, they add a chemical group like methyl that can affect the function of the DNA. These changes can be transient, whereas genetic mutations are permanent.

Sawa says the new study points to the need to think about better preventive care in teenagers who have mental illness in their families, including efforts to protect them from social stressors, such as neglect. Meanwhile, by understanding the cascade of events that occurs when cortisol levels are elevated, researchers may be able to develop new compounds to target tough-to-treat psychiatric disorders with fewer side effects than RU486 has.

Other Johns Hopkins researchers who contributed to this study include Minae Niwa, Ph.D.; Hanna Jaaro-Peled, Ph.D.; Saurav Seshadri, Ph.D.; Nicola G. Cascella, M.D.; and Shin-ichi Kano, M.D., Ph.D.

This research was supported by grants from the National Institutes of Health's National Institute of Mental Health (MH-084018, MH-094268, MH-069853, MH-085226, MH-088753, MH-092443, K99MH-094408), Stanley, RUSK, S-R, the Brain & Behavior Research Foundation (formerly NARSAD), the Maryland Stem Cell Research Fund and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science.

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Johns Hopkins Medicine.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. M. Niwa, H. Jaaro-Peled, S. Tankou, S. Seshadri, T. Hikida, Y. Matsumoto, N. G. Cascella, S.-i. Kano, N. Ozaki, T. Nabeshima, A. Sawa. Adolescent Stress-Induced Epigenetic Control of Dopaminergic Neurons via Glucocorticoids. Science, 2013; 339 (6117): 335 DOI: 10.1126/science.1226931

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Thursday, January 17, 2013

Facebook launches free calling for iPhone users in U.S.

Facebook has begun to roll out a feature in its Messenger app on iPhones that allows users to call other iPhone Messenger users.

Staff Jacksonville Business Journal

It's not a Facebook phone, but ...

Facebook (Nasdaq: FB) began rolling out a feature in its Messenger app on iPhones Wednesday that allows users to call other iPhone Messenger users, the Silicon Valley Business Journal reports.

These calls will go over Wi-Fi or your phone's data connection, so if you live in an area with notoriously poor cellphone reception, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.

But don't expect your phone to ring as it would for a normal phone call, as the Facebook calls will show up as a push notification, CNN reports.

Read more at the Silicon Valley Business Journal.


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What Obama's gun proposals left out

President Obama took 23 executive actions on Wednesday to curb firearm-related deaths. That and his proposals to Congress for new gun laws are a necessary response to the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Perhaps his most important action is a directive for new research ?on the causes and prevention of gun violence.? More restrictions on firearms may keep guns away from killers, but a better understanding of the roots of violent behavior ? and then addressing them ? would be far more effective. Most gun crimes are not done by people with mental illness but by sane people who are prone to violence.

Unfortunately, the White House seemed to focus the new research only on the relationship between violence and the kind of video games and other media images that may influence a killer. While such data would be helpful, kids who imitate fictional violence often do so because they lack a supportive family.

OPINION: Why I'm giving up my guns

Mr. Obama has often noted the need to promote marriage and family ? his own family certainly serves as a model. But he must also back research that looks at links between violence and children born out of wedlock or raised by single parents.

One recent study by the Brookings Center on Children and Families, for example, found that children whose births resulted from unintended pregnancy are more likely to ?engage in delinquent and criminal behavior later in life.? Author and noted psychologist Andrew Solomon finds that the first risk factor in the making of a criminal is being raised by a single parent.

Current statistics on the home lives of children are not encouraging.

Nearly 26 percent are raised by single parents, and that figure jumps to 72 percent for blacks and 71 percent for the poor. For mothers with only a high school education, more than 4 out of 10 of their children are born out of wedlock ? or three times the rate of the 1980s. Only a third of births to women who are unmarried and not cohabiting are intended.

Cohabitation, in fact, has taken off. The number of couples living together without the commitment and protection of being married has more than doubled since the 1990s. In 2012, 40 percent of unmarried partners had children younger than 18.

Both public and private leaders ?refuse to take on the issue of children raised by single parents ? despite all the statistics showing harm ? or deal with it in a meaningful way,? said Robert Doar, commissioner of the New York City Human Resources Administration, in a speech last week.

Mr. Doar said New York City ? which has about 50,000 out-of-wedlock births a year ? is considering a campaign, much like antismoking campaigns, to show young people the effects on a child who is born out of wedlock.

But he also wants Obama to take similar action ? perhaps even using his second inaugural to announce one.

?There could be no better voice on the important issue of family and the role fathers play in the lives of children than the president of the United States,? Doar said.

?With the first lady, he sets absolutely the correct example. But he says so little. And he never turns his hypercritical eye on this important issue.?

When more than half of births to women under 30 are now outside of marriage, government cannot ignore violence by children of some of these homes.

MONITOR'S VIEW: How to debate Obama's gun proposals

One sign of society?s disapproval of these trends was the decision Tuesday by the Oxygen cable channel to pull a reality TV show slated for later this year about a famous rap artist, Shawty Lo, who has fathered 11 children with 10 different mothers. Oxygen, an NBCUniversal cable network owned by Comcast, was bombarded by complaints from the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People,, and the Parents Television Council.

Children need the qualities and love of a stable family to learn how to behave later in life. While many children of single parents do just fine, the many exceptions too often end up with troubled lives. A Brookings Institution study found that almost all the increase in child poverty since the 1970s would have disappeared if parents today had married at 1970 rates.

More research on this problem ? and then executive attention ? could do as much if not more to curb mass shootings and other gun violence as all the toughened laws on firearms.

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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

10 Best Techniques To Find a Job

For nearly almost population around the world, finding a job has become a full-time job?and the search is only going to get tougher. The Web has come a long way in leveling the playing field for job seekers and employers alike now a days. As the unemployed ranks continue to swell, throngs of displaced workers are looking to job-placement sites for salvation. According to, In April, such sites attracted 57.2 million ?unique visitors,? up nearly 50% from the same period last year.
Whether you?re looking for your very first job, switching careers, or re-entering the job market after an extended absence, finding a job requires two main tasks: understanding yourself and understanding the job market. Presuming you?ve already chosen a career and are currently searching for jobs, here are 10 ways to actually get a job.

1. Manage Your Job Search

Job Searching Methods
Take the time to organize your job search and the entire process will be easier. Use the free tools that are available to help you plan and manage your job search. They will help you start your job search on the right foot and keep it on track.

2. Know What You Want

Know What You Want
Don?t accept a job just because someone offered it to you. Find out what you?ll have to do once you?re hired and make sure that?s what you want to do. But don?t be too picky. If this is your first job, you can?t be the boss the first day. You will have to do what someone asks you to.

3. Write a Resume/Customized Cover Letter That Works

Customized Cover Letter
Before you start job hunting, make sure that your resume is as complete and up-to-date as possible. Your resume is an important distillation of who you are, where you come from, and what you can offer. Your resume needs to be professional and polished, because if you don?t have a professional resume, your application materials probably won?t get a second glance from a hiring manager. Make sure your resume has what it takes to make a good impact. Also, when you?re writing cover letters, take the time to customize each letter so the hiring manager can see, at a glance, why you are qualified for the job.

4. Trawling Jobs Sites

Visiting Job Sites
This is one of the preferred choices of job search techniques, it is also statistically the least effective if used on its own. Use ?Google? to help?there are literally thousands of job sites you can choose from. The three most popular sites?, Yahoo! HotJobs and been at this game for a decade. But in recent years a slew of new sites have sprung up and are stealing market share from the big three.

5. Targeting Businesses in Your Area

Targeting Businesses in Your Area
This is a successful method of job searching and is recommended as an efficient use of time. Once you know what type of job you are looking for and in what sort of industry, find out what companies operate in this space that are near to where you live. This is a great approach for many reasons:
There may be an existing relationship with someone you know in the area.
You may know about the company and whether or not you are a good fit with what you want and what you have to offer.
You can speak to people in the area who may be able to help you prepare your resume and hopefully an interview too.

6. Career Based Social Networking

Career Based Social Networking
A great online way to get the word out in a professional capacity is through . It?s a fantastic site where people can find and stay in touch with people they know in a corporate capacity. One of the most important parts of LinkedIn is your profile. That?s what you use to connect with people in your network and your profile is how you get found on LinkedIn by potential employers. Update your Profile so it?s current and compelling. If you?re unemployed use your LinkedIn profile to let employers know you are job searching.

7. Connect With Your Network

Network Connection
Once you have taken the time to build a network, use it. It?s one of the most important job search resources you have. Your personal career network should include anyone who can assist you with a job search or career move. Stay connecting with your friends and people with same profession. Make a list of all of your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Contact them one by one and ask them if they know of any openings for which they could recommend you. Don?t be too humble or apologetic. Tell them what you?re looking for, but let them know you?re flexible and open to suggestions. Connect with everyone you know on LinkedIn and other social networking sites. Join professional Groups. They are a good way to connect with people with similar affiliations and you?ll find job listings on most Group pages.

8. Using Existing Relationships

Existing Relationships
The one of the more successful methods of job searching. Statistically, ten times the number of jobs are given to people where an existing relationship already existed compared with job ads! This may sound discouraging at first, but you may be surprised how many people you have a direct or indirect relationship with. This may be a recommendation by a business colleague or a friend of a friend, so it is essential that you are clear of who you know and who those people know too! Make a list of all of your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Contact them one by one and ask them if they know of any openings for which they could recommend you.

9. Prepare for Interview

Prepare for Interview
Know How to Give Great Answers to Common Job Interview Questions. You might be asked to describe problems you?ve encountered in the past and how you handled them, or you?ll be given a hypothetical situation and asked what you would do. They?ll basically want to know how you?ll perform when faced with obstacles in the position you?re interviewing for.
Learn to Read Body Language for a More Successful Interview. It?s especially important that you come of as pleasant and charming right off the bat because many decisions are made on the basis of a first impression. The most important thing is to avoid negative body language.
Dress appropriately to create the right impression during an interview. Dressing for the interview doesn?t necessarily mean putting on crisply-ironed formalwear. Depending on the company, they may prefer you came in your everyday attire or just wore something that shows you can look nice without overdoing it.

10. Follow Up!

Follow up for job
Whether you submit your resume online or hand it over in person, your job is not yet done. Now you must follow up! Hiring managers have a lot on their plate, as do department heads and supervisors for whom hiring is just one small part of what they do. So show your sincere interest in the job by following up with an email or phone call.
If?you?ve?done an interview with the company, but haven?t heard back from them within the time frame they gave you, then the day after the original time frame expires, follow up with a phone call or email reaffirming your interest in the job, saying politely that you realize the hiring process can take awhile, and inquiring if they could give you an updated timeline on when they will be making a decision.
It?s always important to say thank you after a job interview and after a second interview, as well. Employers think more highly of candidates who take the time to follow up.


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Rupee falls on oil, corporate dollar demand

Tue Jan 15, 2013 12:43pm IST

Reuters Market Eye - The rupee is trading at 54.59/60 versus its previous close of 54.4950/5050 and off the day's high of 54.34.

Traders say good dollar buying is seen from oil firms and some corporates are helping pull the pair off lows.

Mild gains in domestic shares and positive sentiment post the RBI's announcement of a special dollar credit swap facility for exporters are likely to limit a very sharp upside.

The pair is now seen in a 54.40 to 54.70 range, say traders.

(Reporting by Swati Bhat)


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Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Insurers look to build on mandate - GOP looks to stop rape comments - Just how bad is this flu season? - GOP considers default, shutdown in spending fight

By Jason Millman

With help from Kathryn Smith

GET READY TO HEAR ABOUT THE MANDATE AGAIN ? The fight to strike out the individual mandate is over ? now get ready for the fight over making the mandate stronger. The Obama administration backed the mandate when it determined that was the best way to enroll enough healthy people to pay for the sick ones who?ll be covered starting 2014. But there are real concerns that the mandate penalties aren?t strong enough, especially in the early years when the sickest patients can enroll right away. Insurers are telling the administration more incentives ? like a late enrollment fee ? are necessary to get healthy people to sign up sooner, and language in a recent HHS rule suggests the administration is willing to listen to some ideas. Regardless of what happens at the federal level, look for some states to come up with their own strategies for boosting enrollment in the early years. The POLITICO story:

GOP LOOKS TO STOP THE RAPE COMMENTS ? Rep. Phil Gingrey?s recent attempts to explain Todd Akin?s rape remarks felt like a throwback to the 2012 campaign: Republican says something dumb about rape, then Democrats and their allies jump all over the remarks to paint the party as radical. Those kinds of comments may have hurt Republicans? chances of taking back the Senate, and party members are wondering how to make it all stop. For some, the answer is easy: Just shut up. ?This is actually pretty simple. If you?re about to talk about rape as anything other than a brutal and horrible crime, stop,? said Republican strategist Kevin Madden, who was a senior adviser in Mitt Romney?s campaign. The Susan B. Anthony List says such examples are extreme and a distraction from the abortion issue, and the group is developing a new training program to help candidates and lawmakers avoid future blunders. The POLITICO story:

Good Monday morning and welcome to PULSE after a weekend that saw the Obama administration reject a $1 trillion coin and construction of the Death Star. And somehow, that felt like the biggest news from this weekend.

?Yeah, it's overwhelming, but what else can we do? Get jobs in offices and wake up for the morning PULSE.?


--EXCHANGE WEEK: BACK TO WORK ? Minnesota is looking to put its exchange into law ? it so far has been operating on an executive order ? and Florida?s new ACA study committee meets up for the first time this year.

IS IT JUST ANOTHER FLU SEASON? ? There?s been a steady flow of reports in the past week about influenza vaccine shortages and overcrowded emergency rooms, but officials can?t say yet whether this flu season is going to be worse than normal. There are signs it may have actually peaked already, but it?s too early to say for sure, CDC officials cautioned on Friday. Meanwhile, researchers are making efforts to develop more effective vaccines and do a better job of predicting when a bad flu season will hit. The POLITICO story:

CAN OBAMA SPLIT THE GOP AGAIN? ? President Barack Obama earlier this month won tax increases on the highest earners by picking off House GOP votes in states that supported his reelection in 2012. What remains to be seen is whether that?s a winning strategy for future showdowns, like the debt ceiling and sequestration. As the focus turns to spending cuts, many in the party are confident the GOP will be on the same page going forward. ?When things are more focused around spending, there will be more unity,? said veteran GOP pollster David Winston. The POLITICO story:

HOUSE GOP CONSIDERS DEFAULT, SHUTDOWN ? House Speaker John Boehner, who?s meeting with his leadership team today for a strategy session on the upcoming spending fight, will have to consider the growing support within the party for default or shutting down the government if Republicans don?t get the cuts they want. ?GOP officials said more than half of their members are prepared to allow default unless Obama agrees to dramatic cuts he has repeatedly said he opposes,? report POLITICO?s Jim VandeHei, Mike Allen and Jake Sherman. ?Many more members, including some party leaders, are prepared to shut down the government to make their point.? The POLITICO story:

** A message from PhRMA: Over the last century, 17 Presidents have been inaugurated. During the same period, America has celebrated major medical milestones that helped combat diseases such as HIV/AIDS and cancer. Join us for a webinar on Thursday focusing on future innovation milestones. **

TOP SENATE DEMS TO OBAMA: IF NECESSARY, SKIP CONGRESS TO RAISE DEBT CEILING ? ICYMI Friday afternoon, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and top Democrats told Obama he should raise the debt ceiling on his own if a bipartisan agreement can?t be reached. ?In the event that Republicans make good on their threat by failing to act, or by moving unilaterally to pass a debt limit extension only as part of an unbalanced or unreasonable legislation, we believe you must be willing to take any lawful steps to ensure that America does not break its promises and trigger a global economic crisis ? without congressional approval, if necessary,? Reid wrote in a Friday letter also signed by Sens. Dick Durbin, Chuck Schumer and Patty Murray. The POLITICO story:

PLANNED PARENTHOOD LOSES IN TEXAS FUNDING SUIT ? A Texas court Friday evening denied a preliminary injunction to Planned Parenthood in its challenge to being shut out from the state-run Women?s Health Program. Texas launched its own WHP Jan. 1 without federal funding. Bloomberg has more:

PRELIMINARY INJUNCTION DENIED IN CONTRACEPTION LAWSUIT ? The conflicting rulings continue to pile up in cases against the administration?s contraception coverage rule. Conestoga Wood Specialties Corp., a Mennonite-owned wood cabinet company, was denied a preliminary injunction Friday against the rule. A judge from the District Court of Eastern Pennsylvania said the plaintiffs didn't prove that providing contraception coverage provided a substantial burden on the owners' religious exercise. The order:

KAISER FOUNDATION SCALING BACK STAFF ? Layoffs came to the Kaiser Family Foundation last week, but the health policy and communication organization isn?t saying how much it?s scaling back. KFF is citing the 2008 financial crisis and a slow recovery as a reason for the staffing reduction. ?By focusing its resources on our core programs in policy analysis, polling and journalism, the foundation will continue to play the role it has always played as a leader in health policy analysis and communications,? KFF said in a statement provided to PULSE. ?We will have a somewhat smaller staff and reorganize some of our operations, but those who rely on us for information should see no change.? Best of luck, Kaiser folks, and please let PULSE know where you land.

DEMS TO GUN PANEL: DON?T FORGET ABOUT THAT 2008 MENTAL HEALTH LAW ? With Vice President Joe Biden?s gun task force supposed to issue recommendations by Tuesday, Democratic lawmakers are highlighting a focus on mental health ? particularly enforcement of a law already on the books. Sen. Al Franken and HELP Committee Chairman Tom Harkin called on the administration to fully implement the 2008 Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity Act. Under the law, ?millions of Americans with health insurance are entitled to access to a full range of mental health and substance use disorder services,? they wrote in a Friday letter to Biden. ?However, while this historic law was passed four years ago, the administration has yet to issue a final rule, potentially leaving many Americans who need and have a right to these services without access to them.? Rep. Henry Waxman, in a separate letter, also urged final regs for the 2008 law, as well as new public health research and safety standards to prevent guns from accidentally firing. The Franken/Harkin letter: The Waxman letter:

DePARLE STARTS AT BROOKINGS THIS MONTH ? Nancy-Ann DeParle, who led the White House Office of Health Reform during the ACA?s drafting, will start at the Brookings Institution on Jan. 28 as a guest scholar in economic studies, the think tank officially announced Friday evening. The announcement:


The Washington spending fight could reopen debate on a Medicare policy that provided hundreds of millions of dollars in bonuses to Massachusetts hospitals over the past two years at the expense of other states, The Boston Globe reports.

Anticipating a greater demand for primary care, Morgan Stanley is planning to unveil a $100 million fund to build community centers near affordable housing, The Wall Street Journal reports.

The New York Times chronicles the difficulty city residents had locating flu vaccines this weekend.

A year after anti-abortion legislation sparked angry protests in Virginia, a pair of Republican lawmakers are again offering bills targeting abortion and the Obama administration?s contraception coverage rule, The Associated Press reports.

ACA implementation in Minnesota is partially on hold as state officials await federal guidance on the Basic Health Plan, the Minnesota Star Tribune reports.

California and Oregon regulators have quietly told health insurers to stop denying coverage to transgender patients based on their gender identity, according to the AP.?

Filmmaker Woody Allen, perhaps the nation?s foremost hypochondriac, takes to the NYT op-ed pages to reflect on what it?s like to constantly confront mortality after any sign of the slightest symptom.

** A message from PhRMA: When Woodrow Wilson was sworn into office in 1913, U.S. life expectancy was just above 50 years. Now, as we approach the second swearing in for President Obama, that number has increased by more than two decades, to 78, thanks in part to medical advancements. Check out for a closer look at the past 100 years of medical innovation. And, join us for a webinar on Thursday where we?ll unveil a new report detailing potential new medicines in the pipeline that could take us from hope to cures. **


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Report: EU wasting money on energy efficiency programs

An audit of European Union-backed energy efficiency projects found that funds were wasted, going towards projects where energy efficiency was a ?secondary concern? or had a planned payback period of up to 150 years.

?None of the projects we looked at had a needs assessment or even an analysis of the energy savings potential in relation to investments?, said Harald W?gerbauer, the member of the European Court of Auditors who was responsible for the report. ?The Member States were essentially using this money to refurbish public buildings while energy efficiency was, at best, a secondary concern.?

The audit looked at 24 energy efficiency projects in the Czech Republic, Italy, and Lithuania ? the countries that received the largest amounts of funding for energy efficiency projects between 2007 and 2013.

The audit found that the EU-funded projects selected for financing did not have ?rational objectives? in terms of cost-effective energy savings ? cost per unit of energy saved ? and were not selected on their ability to produce ?financial benefits through energy savings.?

The projects were so inefficient that the average planned payback period for the investments was 50 years ? half a century ? with certain projects having a 150 planned payback period.

?This means that these funds were not spent in a sensible way because the lifetime of the refurbished components or buildings is lower and can, to a large extent, be considered to be lost on the energy efficiency point of view,? reads the audit.

In 18 out of the 24 audited projects, auditors could not verify actual energy savings because they had not been measured in a reliable way.

For more than a decade, the EU has spent nearly 5 billion euros ($6.7 billion) through its Cohesion Policy funds for co-financing energy efficiency projects throughout the EU, which the European Commission and individual member states are responsible for managing.

Reuters reports that the European Commission has also proposed spending more than 17 billion euros for energy efficiency between 2014-2020.

Reuters reports that the EU Commission said the audited programs? were negotiated before the Commission fully developed its energy-efficiency policy.?

?The new Energy Efficiency Directive will require member states to promote the availability of high quality and cost-effective energy audits and energy management systems to all final customers,? said the Commission.

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More Wintry Weather Possible Overnight Tonight into Tuesday Morning for North Texas


After looking at the latest models coming in this evening, it appears my forecast from earlier today looks to still be on track. ?The timing of the precipitation will be from around daybreak thru the morning hours and favor those areas south and east of Dallas. ?There will be some travel concerns for those areas in East Texas.


Here is an image from the National Weather Service Office. ?I agree with what this shows.

 More Wintry Weather Possible Overnight Tonight into Tuesday Morning for North Texas




A few snow pellets were seen this morning across the Dallas/Fort Worth metro area. Tonight we will likely see more wintry weather after midnight. A light sleet/snow mixture will be possible here in the metro area with slightly heavier precipitation just to our south and east. There is a greater risk of sleet/freezing rain for areas southeast of a line from Canton to Corsicana to Waco. This would include areas like Athens, Palestine, Fairfield. A few slick spots would be possible again in this area for our Tuesday morning commute. This is also the area that saw some slick spots this morning from a mix of precipitation.

NTX Rain Chances

A few slick spots could be possible in the Dallas / Fort Worth area tomorrow morning depending on the intensity of the precipitation. Right now precip is looking rather light, but it wouldn?t take much to cause a few slick spots on bridges and overpasses as temperatures will be in the mid to upper 20s tomorrow morning. Be sure to watch CBS 11 THIS MORNING starting at 430am Tuesday morning for the latest update.


NTX Overnight Lows Manual


NTX Tomorrows Highs

Another small chance of wintry weather will be possible Wednesday night into Thursday. This is looking less likely as there may not be much moisture in the atmosphere to work with, but we will keep an eye on this system. Parts of northern Louisiana and southern Arkansas could end up with snow though on Thursday. A change in the track of the upper level low would alter our winter weather chances.

7-day Forecast

Skywarn Training

Every year the National Weather Service hosts storm spotter training classes for the public. ?They travel to every county in North Texas and hold training seminars. ?CBS 11 is a proud supporter of this program and sponsor the Collin County training. ?This year the training is this Saturday, January 19, in Frisco from 8am to 430pm. ?This year it is being held at the Collin College Preston Ridge Campus Conference Center. ?Please come out and join us for this very informative day. ?You will learn how to visually spot different structures of thunderstorms. ?From updrafts, to microbrusts, to tornadoes, become an expert in what you are seeing when you are looking at a thunderstorm.

Collin County Skywarm


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Monday, January 14, 2013

New study reveals gas that triggers ozone destruction

Monday, January 14, 2013

Scientists at the Universities of York and Leeds have made a significant discovery about the cause of the destruction of ozone over oceans.

They have established that the majority of ozone-depleting iodine oxide observed over the remote ocean comes from a previously unknown marine source. The research team found that the principal source of iodine oxide can be explained by emissions of hypoiodous acid (HOI) ? a gas not yet considered as being released from the ocean ? along with a contribution from molecular iodine (I2).

Since the 1970s when methyl iodide (CH3I) was discovered as ubiquitous in the ocean, the presence of iodine in the atmosphere has been understood to arise mainly from emissions of organic compounds from phytoplankton -- microscopic marine plants.

This new research, which is published in Nature Geoscience, builds on an earlier study which showed that reactive iodine, along with bromine, in the atmosphere is responsible for the destruction of vast amounts of ozone ? around 50 per cent more than predicted by the world's most advanced climate models ? in the lower atmosphere over the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

The scientists quantified gaseous emissions of inorganic iodine following the reaction of iodide with ozone in a series of laboratory experiments. They showed that the reaction of iodide with ozone leads to the formation of both molecular iodine and hypoiodous acid. Using laboratory models, they show that the reaction of ozone with iodide on the sea surface could account for around 75 per cent of observed iodine oxide levels over the tropical Atlantic Ocean.

Professor Lucy Carpenter, of the Department of Chemistry at York, said: "Our laboratory and modelling studies show that these gases are produced from the reaction of atmospheric ozone with iodide on the sea surface interfacial layer, at a rate which is highly significant for the chemistry of the marine atmosphere.

"Our research reveals an important negative feedback for ozone ? a sort of self-destruct mechanism. The more ozone there is, the more gaseous halogens are created which destroy it. The research also has implications for the way that radionucleides of iodine in seawater, released into the ocean mainly from nuclear reprocessing facilities, can be re-emitted into the atmosphere."

Professor John Plane, from the University of Leeds' School of Chemistry, said: "This mechanism of iodine release into the atmosphere appears to be particularly important over tropical oceans, where measurements show that there is more iodide in seawater available to react with ozone. The rate of the process also appears to be faster in warmer water. The negative feedback for ozone should therefore be particularly important for removing ozone in the outflows of pollution from major cities in the coastal tropics."


University of York:

Thanks to University of York for this article.

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Building for the Future at Above Treeline Construction | The ...


Steve Copp being interviewed by Beth Dodd
Photos by CR Chambers

By Beth Dodd



Steve and Monica Copp and Dennis and Kayla Johnstone have worked together for fifteen years building homes and building their business, Above Treeline Construction. Steve Copp started the operation back in 1984 with log home kits. He then expanded into general contracting, excavation, and modular homes, partnering with Dennis Johnstone along the way. In spite of the contraction of the construction industry during the current ?Great Recession,? their business has grown steadily for the past five years.

Today, Above Treeline is a one stop shop for anyone with a building project. They offer everything from land for your dream home to driveways, kitchens, decks, and windows. They build everything; custom frame homes, timber frame buildings, structural insulated panel homes, modular homes, sportsman?s cabins, steel buildings, and pole barns. If you want a log house, they can craft a unique home for you starting with the raw logs out of the woods. If you already own a home, they can help you remodel it.


This dynamic duo of home craftsman can be found at their new location in Divide at the corner of U.S. Highway 24 and Tranquil Acres Road, where they relocated in the fall of 2012. Their new site has lots of space to demonstrate the many options they can offer their clients. For example, there are samples of different sheet rock finishes inside the office, and samples of siding and exterior finishes on the outside.

If you are not in the market for a whole new house, but are looking to do some home improvements or repairs, Above Treeline is also a retail distributer. If you need a new fireplace, or cabinets, or even log furniture, you can get them here. They can also provide solar power systems, both off-grid or grid-tie systems. Above Treeline offers savings on most of the products they sell because they are dealers and there is no middle man mark-up. You will also save the time, gas, and high delivery fees you would loose by buying in the city.

With all the elbow room in their new location, Copp and Johnstone have decided to expand their services to offer sportsman?s supplies. Nimrod?s Guns of Florissant is relocating into a new space at the Above Treeline office, and will be opening there soon. ?IMG_4677

If you would like to do business with Above Treeline Construction you can visit them at 12625 West U.S. Highway 24 in Divide. They are open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. To contact their Sales Manager, Bill Holbrook, call 719-687-0680 or write to him at You can also learn more on their website,


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Genome of diamondback moth provides new clues for sustainable pest management

Jan. 13, 2013 ? An international research consortium, led by Fujian Agriculture, Forestry University (FAFU) and BGI, has completed the first genome sequence of the diamondback moth (DBM), the most destructive pest of brassica crops. This work provides wider insights into insect adaptation to host plant and opens new ways for more sustainable pest management.

The latest study was published online January 13 in Nature Genetics.

The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella) preferentially feeds on economically important food crops such as rapeseed, cauliflower and cabbage. It has developed resistance to against more than 50 insecticides, including DDT, Bt toxins, among others, making the use of chemicals as a control measurement become ineffective. It is estimated that the total cost associated with the damage and management is US$4-5 billion per year worldwide.

"The completed genome sequencing of DBM will lay a solid foundation for tracking the evolutionary mechanisms of how an insect evolves to become a successful herbivore that can defense many insecticides." said Professor Minsheng You, Vice President of FAFU and leader of the research team. "The work here also provides an invaluable resource for scientists to better understand the reasons why DBM is such a serious pest and how new strategies can be developed to control insect pests."

In this study, researchers sequenced the genome of DBM by whole genome shotgun (WGS) and fosmid clones technologies, yielding ~343 Mb draft genome with 18,071 predicted protein-coding genes. Compared with other sequenced insect species, they found that the diamondback moth possesses a relatively larger set of genes and a moderate number of gene families, suggesting the expansion of certain gene families. Additionally, the genome-based phylogeny demonstrated that DBM was a basal lepidopteran species, which is well supported by its modal karyotype. Based on the genomic data generated from ~1,000 male pupae, researchers identified the genome-wide level of polymorphism within the sequenced DBM strain (Fuzhou-S), which may lay the genetic bases for DBM in adapting to various environmental challenges. They investigated a set of genes preferentially expressed at the larval stage that contribute to odorant chemoreception, food digestion and metabolic detoxification. Interestingly, they found that the co-expression of sulfatase modifying factor 1 (SUMF1) and glucosinolate sulfatase (GSS) genes may be crucial for DBM to become a successful cruciferous herbivore.

Insecticide tolerance or resistance may have contribution to the option of detoxification pathway in insect herbivores. In this study, researchers found DBM has a larger set of insecticide resistance-related genes than silkworm (B.mori) that had little exposure to insecticide over 5,000 years of domestication. They identified in DBM obvious gene duplications of four gene families that participated in xenobiotic detoxification in insects, including ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporter families, the P450 monooxygenases (P450s), glutathione S-transferases (GSTs) and carboxylesterase (COEs). Notably, the further analysis highlighted the potential role of ABC transporters in detoxification.

The clever evolutionary trick has allowed DBM to become such a serious pest, and it may play an important role in the development of its ability to detoxify a wide range of chemicals. "Remarkably, it appears that the very genetic adaptations that allow DBM to detoxify the chemicals in its food plants, and also allow it to develop immunity to the insecticides used against it." commented by Professor Geoff Gurr of Charles Sturt University, Australia, one of the international collaborators.

Professor Jun Wang, Executive Director of BGI, said, "The availability of a reference genome for a species is extremely important in the deeper understanding of its biology and evolution. We are pleased to be part of this consortium and have the first publicly accessible database of diamondback moth genome. I expect we could translate our achievements into real actions for sustainable pest management in the near future."

The complete genome sequence of diamondback moth is publicly available via visit

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by BGI Shenzhen.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Minsheng You, Zhen Yue, Weiyi He, Xinhua Yang, Guang Yang, Miao Xie, Dongliang Zhan, Simon W Baxter, Liette Vasseur, Geoff M Gurr, Carl J Douglas, Jianlin Bai, Ping Wang, Kai Cui, Shiguo Huang, Xianchun Li, Qing Zhou, Zhangyan Wu, Qilin Chen, Chunhui Liu, Bo Wang, Xiaojing Li, Xiufeng Xu, Changxin Lu, Min Hu, John W Davey, Sandy M Smith, Mingshun Chen, Xiaofeng Xia, Weiqi Tang, Fushi Ke, Dandan Zheng, Yulan Hu, Fengqin Song, Yanchun You, Xiaoli Ma, Lu Peng, Yunkai Zheng, Yong Liang, Yaqiong Chen, Liying Yu, Younan Zhang, Yuanyuan Liu, Guoqing Li, Lin Fang, Jingxiang Li, Xin Zhou, Yadan Luo, Caiyun Gou, Junyi Wang, Jian Wang, Huanming Yang, Jun Wang. A heterozygous moth genome provides insights into herbivory and detoxification. Nature Genetics, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/ng.2524

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sunday, January 13, 2013

Seattle Seahawks, Russell Wilson Rally, But Lose To Atlanta Falcons 30-28

  • Russell Wilson

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) watches play against the Atlanta Falcons during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Matt Bryant

    Atlanta Falcons kicker Matt Bryant (3) reacts after kicking the game-winning field goal against the Seattle Seahawks during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. The Falcons won 30-28. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • K.J. Wright

    Seattle Seahawks outside linebacker K.J. Wright (50) picks up the ball after Marshawn Lynch scored a touchdown during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Sidney Rice ,Thomas DeCoud

    Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Sidney Rice (18) makes the catch as Atlanta Falcons free safety Thomas DeCoud (28) defends during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Peter Konz , Brandon Mebane, Matt Ryan

    CORRECTS SEAHAWKS PLAYER TO BRANDON MEBANE, INSTEAD OF JAYE HOWARD - Atlanta Falcons guard Peter Konz (66) blocks Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Brandon Mebane (92) as quarterback Matt Ryan (2) drops back to pass during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Arthur Blank

    Atlanta Falcons owner Arthur Blank looks down at the turf after the Seattle Seahawks scored a touchdown late in the second half during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Pete Carroll

    Seattle Seahawks head coach Pete Carroll watches play during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Zach Miller ,Breno Giacomini

    Seattle Seahawks tight end Zach Miller (86) celebrates with Breno Giacomini (68) after Miller scored a touchdown against the Atlanta Falcons during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Earl Thomas

    Seattle Seahawks free safety Earl Thomas (29) reacts to a turnover as Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) looks on during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Russell Wilson, Sean Weatherspoon

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) runs the ball into the end zone as Atlanta Falcons outside linebacker Sean Weatherspoon (56) looks on during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Zach Miller

    Seattle Seahawks tight end Zach Miller (86) spikes the ball after his touchdown catch against the Atlanta Falcons during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Mike Smith

    Atlanta Falcons head coach Mike Smith reacts during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Julio Jones

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) works against Seattle Seahawks cornerback Marcus Trufant (23) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Julio Jones,DeShawn Shead

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) works against Seattle Seahawks DeShawn Shead (35) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Matt Ryan,Marcus Trufant

    Atlanta Falcons quarterback Matt Ryan (2) throws against Seattle Seahawks cornerback Marcus Trufant (23) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Richard Sherman,Harry Douglas

    Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman (25) breaks up a pass intended Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Harry Douglas (83) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Julio Jones ,K.J. Wright, Earl Thomas

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) works against Seattle Seahawks outside linebacker K.J. Wright (50) and free safety Earl Thomas (29) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Golden Tate

    Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate (81) speaks with Seattle Seahawks running back Robert Turbin (22) after Tate scored a touchdown during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Atlanta Falcons Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Golden Tate ,Thomas DeCoud

    Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate (81) gets past Atlanta Falcons free safety Thomas DeCoud (28) for a touchdown reception during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Peter Konz ,Jaye Howard,Matt Ryan

    Atlanta Falcons guard Peter Konz (66) blocks Seattle Seahawks defensive tackle Jaye Howard (94) as quarterback Matt Ryan (2) drops back to pass during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Tony Gonzalez , Bobby Wagner

    Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez (88) makes the catch under Seattle Seahawks middle linebacker Bobby Wagner (54) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Jason Snelling, Matt Ryan

    Atlanta Falcons fullback Jason Snelling (44) celebrates his touchdown run with quarterback Matt Ryan (2) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Jacquizz Rodgers ,Malcolm Smith ,Kam Chancellor

    Atlanta Falcons running back Jacquizz Rodgers (32) works against Seattle Seahawks outside linebacker Malcolm Smith (53) and strong safety Kam Chancellor (31) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Jason Snelling

    Atlanta Falcons' Jason Snelling (44) breaks away for a touchdown during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Russell Wilson,Vance Walker

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) is sacked by Atlanta Falcons defensive end Vance Walker (99) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Golden Tate, Thomas DeCoud

    Seattle Seahawks wide receiver Golden Tate catches a touchdown pass in front of Atlanta Falcons free safety Thomas DeCoud (28) during the second half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Russell Wilson, Kroy Biermann

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) runs past Atlanta Falcons defensive end Kroy Biermann (71) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Jacquizz Rodgers, Red Bryant

    Seattle Seahawks' Red Bryant (79) tries to stop Atlanta Falcons' Jacquizz Rodgers (32) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Divisional Playoffs - Seattle Seahawks v Atlanta Falcons

    ATLANTA, GA - JANUARY 13: Russell Wilson #3 hands the ball off to Marshawn Lynch #24 of the Seattle Seahawks in the second quarter against the Atlanta Falcons during the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Georgia Dome on January 13, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Kevin C. Cox/Getty Images)

  • Russell Wilson,Akeem Dent

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) is sacked by Atlanta Falcons middle linebacker Akeem Dent (52) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Roddy White

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White (84) prepares to catch a touchdown ball against the Seattle Seahawks during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Zach Miller, Thomas DeCoud

    Seattle Seahawks tight end Zach Miller (86) makes the catch against Atlanta Falcons free safety Thomas DeCoud (28) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Russell Wilson, Asante Samuel

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) tries to run past Atlanta Falcons' Asante Samuel (22) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Roddy White ,Kam Chancellor

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Roddy White (84) makes a touch-down catch against Seattle Seahawks strong safety Kam Chancellor (31) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Russell Wilson

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) makes the throw under pressure during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Julio Jones, Earl Thomas

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) tries to get away from Seattle Seahawks' Earl Thomas (29) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Julio Jones, Richard Sherman

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) misses a catch as Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman (25) defends during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Zach Miller, William Moore

    Seattle Seahawks tight end Zach Miller catches a pass with Atlanta Falcons' William Moore (25) defending during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Bobby Wagner ,Winston Guy

    Seattle Seahawks middle linebacker Bobby Wagner (54) reacts with Seattle Seahawks strong safety Winston Guy (27) after a Atlanta Falcons turnover during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Tony Gonzalez, Harry Douglas

    Atlanta Falcons tight end Tony Gonzalez (88) celebrates his touchdown with Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Harry Douglas (83) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seattle Seahawks Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Russell Wilson, Akeem Dent

    Seattle Seahawks quarterback Russell Wilson (3) is tackled by Atlanta Falcons' Akeem Dent (52) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Bobby Wagner

    Seattle Seahawks middle linebacker Bobby Wagner (54) runs an interception back in front of Atlanta Falcons' Roddy White (84) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/David Goldman)

  • Julio Jones, Brandon Browner

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) runs past Seattle Seahawks cornerback Brandon Browner (39) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Bobby Wagner ,Winston Guy

    Seattle Seahawks middle linebacker Bobby Wagner (54) reacts with Seattle Seahawks strong safety Winston Guy (27) after a Atlanta Falcons turnover during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Julio Jones,Richard Sherman

    Atlanta Falcons wide receiver Julio Jones (11) Seattle Seahawks cornerback Richard Sherman (25) go after a pass during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Michael Turner, Earl Thomas,Kam Chancellor

    Atlanta Falcons running back Michael Turner (33) his hit by Seattle Seahawks free safety Earl Thomas (29) and Seattle Seahawks strong safety Kam Chancellor (31) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Michael Turner, K.J. Wright

    Atlanta Falcons running back Michael Turner (33) moves past Seattle Seahawks outside linebacker K.J. Wright (50) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Dave Martin)

  • Michael Turner, Earl Thomas,Kam Chancellor

    Atlanta Falcons running back Michael Turner (33) his hit by Seattle Seahawks free safety Earl Thomas (29) and Seattle Seahawks strong safety Kam Chancellor (31) during the first half of an NFC divisional playoff NFL football game Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013, in Atlanta. (AP Photo/John Bazemore)

  • Angie Cronan, center wearing Falcons beak, and other Falcons fans get fired up on the Falcons Landing outside the Georgia Dome before the NFC divisional playoff NFL football game against the Seahawks in Atlanta on Sunday, Jan. 13, 2013. (AP Photo/Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Curtis Compton) MARIETTA DAILY OUT; GWINNETT DAILY POST OUT; LOCAL TV OUT; WXIA-TV OUT; WGCL-TV OUT

  • Divisional Playoffs - Seattle Seahawks v Atlanta Falcons

    ATLANTA, GA - JANUARY 13: Golden Tate #81 of the Seattle Seahawks runs a reception in for a third quarter touchdown against the defense of Thomas DeCoud #28 of the Atlanta Falcons during the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Georgia Dome on January 13, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)

  • Divisional Playoffs - Seattle Seahawks v Atlanta Falcons

    ATLANTA, GA - JANUARY 13: Michael Turner #33 of the Atlanta Falcons tries to avoid the tackle of K.J. Wright #50 of the Seattle Seahawks in the first quarter of the NFC Divisional Playoff Game at Georgia Dome on January 13, 2013 in Atlanta, Georgia. (Photo by Mike Ehrmann/Getty Images)

  • Source:

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    Israel PM blocks roads to Palestinian tent site

    Associated Press

    JERUSALEM (AP) - Palestinian protesters who pitched tents at a strategic West Bank site to protest plans to build a Jewish housing project there were evicted early Sunday, police said.

    Palestinian activists erected tents in the area known as E-1 on Friday saying they wanted to "establish facts on the ground" to stop Israeli construction in the West Bank. The Palestinian activists were borrowing a phrase and a tactic, usually associated with Jewish settlers, who believe establishing communities means the territory will remain theirs once structures are built.

    Palestinian activist Abdullah Abu Rahma said the protesters hoped to repitch their tents to continue their protest. "Today, we will see if we can return," he said.

    Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld said police evicted about 100 protesters from the site early Sunday morning after a court decision authorizing their removal. He did not know which court had allowed the eviction.

    Haaretz reported that the eviction was carried out despite a temporary High Court injunction preventing it.

    Rosenfeld said no arrests were made during the half hour operation and that no injuries were sustained on either side. He said the tents were not dismantled and that a decision on that would be made later in the day.

    Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Saturday evening ordered roads closed leading to the area and had the military declare a closed military zone and shut off access. Netanyahu's office said that the state was petitioning the Supreme Court to rescind an earlier injunction blocking the evacuation.

    Israel announced it is moving forward with the E-1 settlement after the U.N. recognized a de facto state of Palestine in the West Bank, Gaza and east Jerusalem in November.

    Palestinians say E-1 would be a major blow to their statehood aspirations as it blocks east Jerusalem from its West Bank hinterland. Palestinians are demanding these areas, along with Gaza, for their future state.

    Activists said they wanted to build a village called Bab al-Shams at the site.

    The construction plans drew unusually sharp criticism from some of Israel's staunchest allies including the U.S. who strongly oppose the E- 1 project.

    Israeli officials have said actual construction on the project may be years away if it ever gets off the ground, while Israeli critics have questioned whether Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu actually intends to develop E-1, or is pandering to hard-liners ahead of Israel's Jan. 22 election.

    In a separate incident Saturday, the Israeli military said soldiers shot at a Palestinian who "tried to infiltrate Israel" from the West Bank. The military said soldiers called on the man to stop, then fired warning shots in the air, and finally fired at his legs when he refused to stop.

    Palestinian police said he later died of his wounds.

    It was the second shooting death on the borders with the Palestinian territories in two days. On Friday, Palestinian officials in the Gaza Strip said a man was shot and killed near the coastal territory's border fence. The Israeli military said he was part of a group that rushed the fence to damage it.

    Copyright 2013 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.


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    Saturday, January 12, 2013

    MARKET EYE WEEKAHEAD - Earnings, inflation key for shares

    Reuters Market Eye - Indian investors are gearing up for key earnings results, including from Tata Consultancy Services Ltd (TCS) , Reliance Industries Ltd , and ITC Ltd , as well as inflation data on Monday.

    TCS is set to announce October-December earnings on Monday, while Wipro Ltd will report on Friday. Infosys surged on January 11 when it raised its revenue forecast and posted stronger-than-expected results.

    India will release December inflation data on Monday, in what would be a key indicator ahead of the central bank's policy review on January 29.

    Wholesale prices, India's main inflation gauge, are expected to have risen an annual 7.40 percent in December, a Reuters poll showed.

    Traders are also looking for a potential announcement on a widely expected hike in fuel prices after the oil ministry sent a proposal to the cabinet this week.

    The Securities and Exchange Board of India, is due to hold its board meeting on January 18, amid expectations it may announce tightening of norms for offer-for-sale transactions.

    (Reporting by Abhishek Vishnoi)


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    Disable Java software now, says US Dept. of Homeland Security ...

    The U.S. Department of Homeland Security urged computer users to disable Oracle Corp's Java software, amplifying security experts' prior warnings to hundreds of millions of consumers and businesses that use it to surf the Web.


    Hackers have figured out how to exploit Java to install malicious software enabling them to commit crimes ranging from identity theft to making an infected computer part of an ad-hoc network of computers that can be used to attack websites.


    "We are currently unaware of a practical solution to this problem," the Department of Homeland Security's Computer Emergency Readiness Team said in a posting on its website late on Thursday.


    "This and previous Java vulnerabilities have been widely targeted by attackers, and new Java vulnerabilities are likely to be discovered," the agency said. "To defend against this and future Java vulnerabilities, disable Java in Web browsers."


    Oracle declined on Friday to comment on the warning.


    Java is a computer language that enables programmers to write software utilizing just one set of code that will run on virtually any type of computer, including ones that use Microsoft Corp's Windows, Apple Inc's OS X and Linux, an operating system widely employed by corporations.


    Computer users access Java programs through modules, or plug-ins, that run Java software on top of browsers such as Internet Explorer and Firefox.


    The U.S. government's warning on Java came after security experts warned on Thursday of the newly discovered flaw.


    It is relatively rare for government agencies to advise computer users to completely disable software due to a security bug, particularly in the case of widely used programs such as Java. They typically recommend taking steps to mitigate the risk of attack while manufacturers prepare an update, or hold off on publicizing the problem until an update is prepared.


    In September, the German government advised the public to temporarily stop using Microsoft's Internet Explorer browser to give it time to patch a security vulnerability that opened it to attacks.


    Java is so widely used that the software has become a prime target for hackers. Last year Oracle's Java surpassed Adobe Systems Inc's Reader software as the most frequently attacked piece of software, according to security software maker Kaspersky Lab.


    Java was responsible for 50 percent of all cyber attacks last year in which hackers broke into computers by exploiting software bugs, according Kaspersky. That was followed by Adobe Reader, which was involved in 28 percent of all incidents. Microsoft Windows and Internet Explorer were involved in about 3 percent of incidents, according to the survey.


    The Department of Homeland Security said attackers could trick targets into visiting malicious websites that would infect their PCs with software capable of exploiting the bug in Java.


    It said an attacker could also infect a legitimate website by uploading malicious software that would infect machines of computer users who trust that site because they have previously visited it without experiencing any problems.


    They said developers of several popular tools, known as exploit kits, which criminal hackers use to attack PCs, have added software that allows hackers to exploit the newly discovered bug in Java to attack computers.


    Security experts have been scrutinizing the safety of Java since a similar security scare in August, which prompted some of them to advise using the software only on an as-needed basis.


    At the time they advised businesses to allow their workers to use Java browser plug-ins only when prompted for permission by trusted programs such as GoToMeeting, a Web-based collaboration tool from Citrix Systems Inc.


    Java suffered another setback in October when Apple began removing old versions of the software from Internet browsers of Mac computers when its customers installed new versions of its OS X operating system. Apple did not provide a reason for the change and both companies declined to comment at the time.


    Adam Gowdiak, a researcher with Polish security firm Security Explorations, told Reuters he believes that Oracle fails to properly test its software fixes for security flaws. "It's definitely safer for users to stay away from Java 'til Oracle starts taking security seriously," he said. ?? Reuters


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