Tuesday, April 10, 2012

To Your Good Health | www.truequickweightloss.com

I assume that if you are following this page you are interested in either improving your current health & fitness or like to follow a healthy lifestyle & are looking for more information to help you keep on track. Some of you may wonder why it is I choose health & fitness as my passion in life. I get lots of people wondering this so I?m going to tell you a bit about me & what drives my health & fitness choices.

Firstly I want to say that I believe we all deserve to feel well. For some of us good health is a blessing that isn?t always easy to achieve. For many of us, good health is something we take for granted until a health issue arises that makes us stop & re-assess life. For me, good health is something I?ve worked hard to achieve over the last few years.

My story with nutrition began many, many years ago as a teenager wanting to lose weight. I learned about high fiber diets, high carb diets, low fat, high protein, no grains, all grains etc?..the list goes on & on. I loved sport as a kid & as I grew up I followed sport here & there & always kept active. About 3 1/2 years ago I got into weight training & saw the most amazing results in my body. With all that I?d learned about nutrition I was able to train, grow muscle, stay lean & feel awesome. Slowly though underneath all this healthy exercise & nutrition, my body was slowly turning against me. I began developing food intolerances one food after another. I was tired, worn out & eventually had to reduce my training load considerably just to manage. I lost interest in training but lucky for me my knowledge of nutrition kept me lean. I spent a lot of time evaluating the food I was eating, questioning what I?d learned & wondering how someone leading such a healthy life could be so run down.

With all of this happening in my life, I began a serious quest for good health & visited health practitioners of all kinds, studied C.H.E.K holistic Lifestyle Coaching & very successfully followed Metabolic Typing eating as a protein type. I regained a lot of strength eating this way but still felt as if I was lacking the energy I once had. Things came to a head when I started developing inflammation problems. You see I?d had silicone breast implants for 6 years & my body was beginning to seriously reject them. After much research & deliberation I decided it was time they came out. What I?d read on the net from other women experiencing the same thing was my breast implants were very likely causing all the health related issues I?d been experiencing. This was really hard to swallow because in Australia these devices are considered as safe. My surgeon in fact advised me to use silicone over saline implants because they looked better on thin women & were very safe. Hard to believe but it?s true. Anyway, as this article is about the quest for good health & not silicone & saline implants I will move on.

I work for myself & have done for quite a number of years. When you work for yourself, being unwell is just not an option. Taking 6 weeks off work to recover from breast implant removal was not something I planned for 2011. It?s now over & done & I?m on the way to recovery & hopefully fully restoring my health. I?m still not able to exercise & can?t even move the rabbit cage, hang out the washing or clean the shower. This is what got me thinking about how we value good health. Not being able to exercise is such a big thing for me. I began to think about old age, disability & debilitating illnesses. I realised just how fortunate I am that this is just a temporary state & that soon I will be back to being myself. It also made me realise that we just can?t take our health for granted. Good health is a blessing & we need to honour it by looking after ourselves to the best of our ability. Good health is something to pride ourselves on & something that should be prized highly in society.

It?s a shame that it takes diseases? or illness for us to wake-up & look after our health. From now on I am making it my quest to encourage myself & others to follow a healthy lifestyle to avoid future illness. It?s a real shame that we expect to get frail & weak as we age. What we need to focus on is keeping well, searching for good health & working towards a fantastic & able old age. This isn?t about living longer, it?s about living stronger. I know one thing for sure. I want to be fit & active for the rest of my life & I actually expect that I will be.

Do you think about your health & the impact it has on your life. Are you able to make small changes that will make a big difference? If you need help with making changes in your life, give me a call or send me an email I?m more than happy to have a chat with you to see what changes you could make to ensure you experience more vitality in your life :0) Mel

I?m a fitness instructor with a passion for good health and nutrition. I enjoy helping my clients to identify their strengths and weaknesses on their journey towards better health & fitness. I believe self empowerment is the way to achieving your goals and education is the key.





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