Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Knock Them Down a Peg (Private)

Private Harry Potter Roleplay between myself and Child of the Winged.

Whilst he was known as a Hufflepuff with behaviour typical for those of his house, Jacob Wright was by no means a person who would willingly side with Dumbledore, The Ministry of Magic or He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named. Jacob was born to muggle parents and had a strangely twisted outlook on how the Wizarding World should be run. His opinions were an odd mix between the solid opinions of Lord Voldemort and Albus Dumbledore. He believed that muggles should be allowed to live in peace and oblivious to the Wizarding World (sans the immediate families of muggle-born children), but more care should be taken into keeping it that way. The Statue of Secrecy was not perfect, or even close to it and Jacob didn't like that one bit. Also, the Ministry of Magic was horribly corrupt - filled with politicians who did not look out for the best of the people as a whole, but for people themselves. He wanted to do so much more, but those little details could wait until the bigger picture was finalised.

What Jacob wanted to do take the Wizarding World by storm. Destroy every piece of the existing government and rebuild it piece by piece - shape it to become the world that he would want his children to grow up in, so to say. It was his dream, his ambition.

So, so un-Hufflepuff like. Or the general public would believe.

Jacob didn't care. He would do it, one day. Already, he was slowly working towards his goal - together with his partner-in-crime Aisling. The girl was a Ravenclaw and the grand-daughter of the Dark Wizard Grindelwald. Jacob believed that Grindelwald - although not perfect by any means - had some good ideas and values that the Hufflepuff took to heart. "For the Greater Good" was a quote etched in his heart that he followed to the letter.

Some would say that Jacob did not belong in the House of Badger, judging from his ambition. But Hufflepuff qualities were trustworthyness and loyalty, not necessarily being good. He was trustworthy just as he was loyal - just to a select few people. His family and friends by most part. It was a good thing that only one person knew of his dream, that person being Aisling. No one else knew and Jacob could continue to blend into the background as 'just another Hufflepuff' while Harry Potter and his Gryffindor friends gathered all the attention to themselves.

What they didn't know that in a few years time, it would be the two people from the two most under-appreciated houses that would rule them all. It was time to knock those Lions and Snakes down a peg.


It was already mid-September of Jacob's fifth year when he was leaving dinner early to go and meet with Aisling. Both were always busy for the first few weeks of school and had little time to meet, especially with being in different houses. However, today they found some time to meet and speak of their plans.

Jacob made his way to one of the unused classrooms near Charms. It was a convinient space, considering that it wasn't too far from either of their dorms and the classrooms, although unused, were kept neat and clean. When he walked into their usual classroom, he found that Aisling was not there yet, although he saw her leave a bit earlier than himself. Humming, he decided to sit down and wait for her.


gael glen rice jr bars lindzi cox

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