Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Chinese New Year Celebration: Indianapolis Chinese Community Center, Inc. (ICCCI)


Westfield High School
18250 N. Union St.
Westfield, IN 46074

"; // Add the ability to change between Sat, Hybrid, and Regular Maps map.addTypeControl(); // Add the zoom control. Long specifies a Slider versus a "+" and "-" zoom control map.addZoomLong(); // Add the Pan control to have North, South, East and West directional control map.addPanControl(); // Specifying the Map starting location and zoom level map.drawZoomAndCenter("18250 N. Union St., Westfield, IN 46074", 3); YEvent.Capture(marker, EventsList.MouseClick, function() { marker.setSmartWindowColor('maroon'); marker.openSmartWindow(marker_content); }); map.addOverlay(marker); } window.onload = startMap();

Source: http://events.iupui.edu/event/?event_id=8311

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