Monday, July 8, 2013

A Fantasy of the Epic Genre, Interest Check.

The general idea

Hello to all readers!, Duramon here bringing you an epic-scale adventure of the generic fantasy kind! Because just because it's an oldie doesn't mean it isn't a goodie.

I'm offering the idea of the kind of thing you'd expect from a Fantasy story but with my own twists,turns and plot-line. For lovers of all fantasy genres, of character advancement and adventures of the epic kind. (Disclaimer:None of the previous are required unless otherwise stated by Batman.) You can expect Bandit Attacks, Dragons, Dungeons and all the fantastical stuff that we love about the Fantasy Genre placed in large and far-reaching plot-lines and adventures. Now to a general mechanic that I propose (Which I haven't seen here yet),which of course will require its own fancy section below vvvvv (Magical ain't it?)


Right-o! A basic mechanic idea I've been throwing around in my brain.

Equipment Advancement:
I figured,If I'm going for the Epic Genre with a Generic Flavour (Thats right,Flavour) I decided that one idea was to follow some kind of trading/economy system found in most RPG's. In all basicness, Whenever the group of adventurers fought a foe the loot would then be decided by those who slew the fiend using some common sense and balancing. (One does not simply find Excalibur on a bandit..)Equipment, Items, Armaments and such could then be purchased as per usual in a Fantasy Game, all items are of course purchased at towns and such, it's up to you to use common sense and to pay fairly for items,if you want to double check something shoot me or someone else a PM to get a second opinion. Of course scavenging is an obvious loot out-come. I am prepared to GM this as effectively as possible,which of course includes going through dozens of PM's if required.

To start it all

Now,to begin with, the character's would be weak and the reason they all come together would be decided by whomever starts off the RP. However, the starting plot would in all basicness the group or pair doing seemingly simple errands for a Mage in the original town, Each errand is of course, relatively well paying and ridiculously more complex then is explained. "Help me find a rare herb in the woods and I'll pay you 30 copper" for example. Turns out the Herb is protected by a Treant and one or two dryads. (Who knew huh?) As the player's become better and more experienced the mission's intensify and of course, it is up to the players to do other things with their characters as well. The RP is NOT just mission,mission,mission. Remember they are mortal,they need down-time and conversations are generally a good idea,rather then just trying to go through the entire RP by doing nothing but fighting and talking during errands. The plot WILL advance beyond doing just this,This is the start of molding characters into true adventurers, for now they're just slightly above average citizens with unique skills.

Of course the plot would advance from here until it grows into a full-blown epic. With the world in danger from various sources, towns requiring heroes and corrupt kings in the making, the story is there to be grown and both I duramonand glmstr (Who will be Co-GMing with me) have worked quite hard on a Titan-pad to work out many fun and interesting plot advancements and twists. I'd tell you what they are but then they wouldn't be twists would they?,

Races and Such

All Races are welcome,whether they be old classics or of your own design. As long as they aren't over-powered or godly in design and can be seen as *average* to begin with. Characters can have nearly any profession/ex-profession that will help them along the way as long as,again they do not start off as a master or expert of said trade. I expect most of the starting characters to be relatively young perhaps 26 at most, of course characters joining later on they can be stronger then just average and older as the challenges will be greater and require more experience. If the RP is created I had the idea of keeping it as required to be approved by a GM,I know it puts a few people off so it's just a suggestion until it is less likely that random ex-assassin's or blade-master's begin to make sudden appearances. I expect most if not all characters to start off with being relatively good in alignment (For the sake of ADVENTURE!).

If you have any suggestions or ideas chuck them below. All are welcome,this is an interest check after-all.

Life is merely a puzzle,and every being,every object,every speck of existence. Is but a small piece of an infinitely expanding picture.


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