Saturday, May 18, 2013

Baby Boomers Raise The Bar for Family Values | Guest Post by ...


Please welcome to my blog Kristi Carter, co-author of the wonderful book?Guerrilla Marketing to Baby Boomers. She has some wonderful tips, so be sure to check out her book AND enter to win a copy! To be entered, simply leave a comment on this post with your name and email address. I?ll announce the winner next Friday!

In my book I show how large and small businesses can optimize their marketing effort to the targeted audience of baby boomers. I teamed up with Jay Conrad Levinson, the father and originator of Guerrilla Marketing, on this book. It was a joy and an honor to work with him. Many businesses are realizing that baby boomers are buying for three generations; their children, themselves and their aging parents. The baby boomers are the biggest sector of consumers with disposable income, and they demand high standards in the products they purchase. Baby boomers have a consciousness that past generations were not as concerned about. Boomers have actually helped our society raise the bar for more sustainable items and environmentally sound products. They care about the world around them and what they will be leaving as a legacy to their children. In Guerrilla Marketing to Baby Boomers, I discuss the boomers? perception of the world. It is crucial for marketers to use the right language and method to activate interest in their prospects? mind. It is important to know that boomers are changing the world for a better and simpler place.

In my book I show several marketing methods that help simplify our marketing plans ranging from using social media to delegating certain tasks to professional services such as Odesk. Working efficiently is the key here. For the entrepreneur, my book shows how to set up and use autoresponders, viral marketing, and landing pages to drive traffic to their product or services. More and more people are preferring the ?work at home online? model of business so they can spend more time at home with their families. This book speaks to them and points the way. Family values and time freedom are the buzzwords that so many entrepreneurs use to propel themselves onto great success both personally and professionally as they work at home online.

In this book you will learn:

* The basic principles of marketing online
* How to get an audience of people begging to buy your product
* Why and what baby boomers are buying
* How to automate your business so you can spend more time with the family
* The importance and influence of social media
* Secrets that baby boomers don?t want you to know
* Developing and sustaining your marketing plan

There are resources throughout each paragraph of the book to educate and help marketers reach their goals. In chapter seven, ?Secrets for Selecting the Best Marketing Methods,? there are links to demographic studies, e-media, and info-media. If you have the Kindle version, you can simply click and go to that link immediately. Plus there is a number of case scenarios that shows the cost and time frame for running ads in the Yellow Pages, television ads, and radio ads. This book provides 150 ways to reach your audience through mini and maxi marketing methods. Chapter nineteen disusses using Skymall as a resource to promote your business. The later chapters show how to put all of these methods into action. This book is a hands-on marketing tool that is up-to-date with the current methods of marketing online and offline. Using a few different marketing methods, both online and offline, will your heighten your exposure to the baby boomer customer. I wish you all much success, happiness, and lots of family time.

You can purchase the book, Guerrilla Marketing to Baby Boomers, by clicking here. You can also contact me by emailing?kristiacarter@gmail. Or visit me on Facebook here and here.


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